Boaters Against Plastic #02
— For immediate release Singapore Island Clean Up —
Singapore, 26 February 2021: Well done everyone who attended the second #boatersagainstplastic, a massive effort, we collected 144 bags of rubbish off Pulau Hantu. How amazing is it to have a boating community like we do, from boat captains and operators to yacht owners and marine philanthropists, all dedicated to helping our marine environment.
A huge thank you to all those who participated in the first “Boaters Against Plastic” event. We are planning to make this a Quarterly event involving each and all of the marina’s in Singapore, along with the various marine-focused conservation groups. To register your interest in future events, follow the link here https://sgmarineguide.com/boaters-against-plastic/ and to stay in the loop follow us on Facebook: @singaporemarineguide Instagram: @sg.marineguide
For photos, media and partnerships enquiries, please email: hello@sgmarineguide.com
Singapore Marine Guide – www.sgmarineguide.com
The first online platform to help boaters, brands, suppliers, service providers and recreational hobbyists navigate the ever-evolving Singapore leisure marine industry. Designed specifically for Singapore, we cover the latest regulations, industry updates, cruising destinations and recreation activities in and around our local waters.
Check out the the other Boaters Against Plastic Singapore Island Clean Up

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