Boaters Against Plastic #03 – Saturday 11 September 2021
Join the boating community as we head back to Pulau Hantu for the third #boatersagainstplastic island clean-up, the past two clean-ups have included over 30 boats and 200+ people cleaning up almost 4 tonnes of rubbish from the beautiful shores of Pulau Hantu. Getting on board to support our efforts for this clean up will be ONE15 Marine, Marintech Marketing, and I/O Services and Solutions:-
ONE15 Marina / Boaters Bar: Each boat attending the clean up will be given drinks credits for the Boaters Bar
At the end of the event, each boat will go into the draw to win 2 awesome prizes
Marintech Marketing: Garmin Striker Cast – Castable Sonar Device valued at $252
I/O Services and Solutions: Fusion StereoActive – Portable Marine Stereo System valued at $310
ING Marine: Supplying spare bags, tongs, and nets
Kairos Boats: Support boats for inter-island moving.
If this is the first time you are joining the #boatersagainstplastic please fill in the form below, for those who participated in the past you can just reply to our email to let us know you will be attending again.
For the first time there is an option for nonboat owners to join, Roy Kairos / RIB Rides Singapore will offer their 3 boats for charter with the proceeds going to a charity. For more details WhatsApp Ariel at 91892001
Check out our past clean up at Pulau Hantu
Boaters Against Plastic is a community initiative to bring awareness and reflection to the global concern of plastic in our seas. As a boater, we see examples of this problem on the water every time we head out, as an individual we might not make a difference, but as a community, we can encourage behavior changes in everyone’s life to reduce their need for single-use plastic.
Being out on the water, hands dirty, picking up rubbish gives you a perspective of how this rubbish has come to be here and offers us a reflection on our own overuse of single-use plastics. We encourage anyone on the water to join the fight against plastic, whether you are a private boater, on charter, or even kayaking, you can make a small difference that can positively affect someone else behavior.
We hope to continue to organize private boat island clean-ups because boaters against plastic with the help of the community, we are also happy to support any other #boatersagainstplastic initiatives from the industry and community.