Safe Management Measures For Pleasure Craft in Singapore Port – 29 March 2022
Maritime Port Authority has updated the following Safe Management Measures for Pleasure Crafts in Singapore Port which will take effect from 29 March 2022:
- Mask wearing— wearing of mask is optional if person is not in enclosed area of the pleasure craft (SZ & SZH). Wearing of mask is required if the person is inside enclosed area of the SZ, SZH & Foreign-Flagged pleasure crafts.
- Group size— Group size will be 10 per group. There should be no more than 10 persons per group.
- Safe distancing —Safe distancing is encouraged but will not be required between groups in all mask-on settings. Safe distancing will continue to be required for all mask-off settings. Where safe distancing is required, the distance will be streamlined to a single safe distance of 1 metre for all settings.
- ART for passengers—ART requirements for passengers will be lifted.
- Live performances and screening of programmes — Live performance and screening of programmes may resume. To ensure compliance with the prevailing SMMs.
- Karaoke — Subject to masks being worn through the vocalisation activity. To ensure compliance with the prevailing SMMs.
There is no longer a Port Circular (PMC) published for revision of number of persons onboard pleasure crafts in Singapore. Instead, there is a Pleasure Craft SMM website link: (SMM measures for Pleasure Craft).
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