What’s New in Singapore Marine Guide News, here are some snippets, clips, and articles about us in the news
One of the benefits of being on the water almost every day of the year is the unexpected events that can come up, Singapore Marine Guide has been the first hand to help with rescues, highlight marine-related incidents, and expose the algae bloom at Sentosa Cove. Here are just a few of the articles.
Singapore Marine Guide’s founder Wade Pearce rescues 2 capsized kayakers off Sentosa Cove
Singapore Marine Guide’s links up with Marine community to expose net which killed endangered turtle at Pulau Hantu
Singapore Marine Guide news is linked up with the Marine community to expose net which killed endangered turtle at Pulau Hantu
Features of Singapore marine life under threat from indiscriminate fishing
Singapore Marine Guide News exposes algae bloom at Sentosa South Cove
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