Epic Water Filters


Epic Water Filters was founded by Ash Heather in April 2015. Having just moved to the US from Asia and witnessing first hand plastic bottle pollution on the beaches and in the rivers that got him thinking --  there had to be a solution to this environmental time bomb.

Our filters make us unique.

It started with developing a bottle with a robust filter in it, so people in countries with poor water quality could drink that water without getting sick, at the same time reducing the need for single-use plastic water bottles in those countries. With Flint, Michigan making international headlines in 2015 with its massive and unimaginable water pollution crisis, it became apparent that it was not just developing countries that had water quality problems.

Epic Water Filter Range

Epic water filters bottles

Sponsor of the first Singapore Marine Webinar

Giving Back

Plastic pollution is an ongoing and huge issue for the beaches of Singapore and Epic Water Filters is proud to announce partnerships with two very important social enterprises here - The Litter Club and The Ocean Purpose Project - two amazing groups of people dedicated to education and behavioral change in the way we look at single use plastic and the impact on our environment.

Not only does water surround us everywhere in Singapore, it quenches us, it nourishes us and is at the very heart of our personal heath and wellness. It is, without doubt, the fabric of life. Yet still we pollute our waterways and our oceans, and single use plastic remains the biggest challenge in protecting our environment.

Both TLC and OPP work tirelessly to clean up Singapore's beautiful shoreline, educate Singaporeans on the impact plastic is having on our local environment and help offer solutions to support behavioral change to end plastic pollution.

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