Constant Wind


Constant Wind Sea Sports Centre, located off Changi Coast Road at NSRCC Sea Sports Centre, is a one-stop sea sports centre that is also a sailing school and a pro-shop that aims to provide sea sports enthusiasts with everything they require in their sporting pursuits.

The on-site pro-shop which is also operated by Constant Wind, offers the public and members alike with an extensive range of sea sports gears from sailing dinghies, sailboards, sails to fashion apparel and accessories. There is also the option to shop online at their website,

For family and friends who aren’t taking part in any form of sea sports, you can always chill at the quaint café that is located in the center. The café serves up a wide variety of Western and Chinese cuisines, which are both delectable and affordable. What better way to spend a lazy Saturday afternoon, than sipping a cup of tea in a balmy alfresco setting on the boardwalk right next to the sea. Whether you are a beginner or a competitive sailor, you’ll probably find all you need at Constant Wind Sea Sports Centre.


Wind Surfing

constant wind seasports and windsurfing races


constant wind seasports and sailing courses


constant wind seasports and sailing school stand up paddle boarding


constant wind seasports and kayaking


Sailing Courses

constant wind seasports and sailing school regatta

Windsurfing Courses

constant wind seasports and sailing windsurfing school

SUP Courses

constant wind seasports and sailing stand up paddling

PPCDL Centre

constant wind seasports and sailing ppcdl


constant wind seasports and sailing school online shop

Belly View Restaurant

constant wind seasports and sailing school restaurant

Laser & RS One Weekly Race

constant wind seasports and sailing school

Boating ONE15 to Constant Wind

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