Grow Boating Singapore #02
Another fantastic Grow Boating Singapore with almost 100 attendees across 20 sectors of the boating industry including brokers, agents, suppliers, marinas, captains, and shipyards all with a desire for a stronger network of professionals in the yachting industry.
Many new faces joined the second Grow Boating Singapore, the main topics being discussed were the upcoming events in the leisure marine sector, this weekend has a plethora of events to attend:- CSC Ambassadors Cup at Changi Sailing Club, Asia Powerboat Championship at NSRCC Sea Sports Centre, and the Blue Water EduFest 2022 (BWE) at ONE15 Marina.
High on the agenda for the night were two major Singapore boating events in 2023. Firstly the Singapore Sail Grand Prix (14 – 15 January 2022) which is making headlines as one of the most exciting on-water races in the world, Grow Boating Singapore had a dedicated short video for attendees to see further insights into the event and how boaters can get their front row tickets on the water. Click here if you would like a copy of the presentation. The second major Singapore event was the announcement of a Singapore boat show returning in April 2023, the details have not been finalised as yet but stay tuned as the deal is being inked.
A massive thank you to Boaters Bar for providing the venue, ONE15 Marina, Singapore Marine Guide, Next Tide Consultancy, Yacht Style for sponsoring the food and drinks.
The Singapore boating community has developed exponentially over the past 2 years, in many ways COVID restrictions were a major driver for people to get back into boating or to start boating for the first time. Although there are more boats in the marinas, more people on the water, and more companies making better money than before, the industry itself is still hampered by a lack of leadership, clear communication, and investment in parts and services. Grow Boating Singapore will act as a platform to bring attention to the desperately needed aspects of the boating industry and to develop new talent, set industry standards and ensure that there is a business ecosystem for the boating community.
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